Catapult Feud

Catapult Feud is a family friendly game of last person standing. Build your castle, set up your troops, and use your cunning tactics to conquer the floor!

Base price: $40.00
$35.00 USD

Two households, the Chauforts and the Cunningfields, both alike in dignity, in their fair kingdoms... if only there wasn't that ancient grudge...

Ready... aim the catapults ... LAUNCH!

Catapult Feud is a game of last person standing. 

Your objective is to knock down all your opponent's troops!

Build your castle, set up your troops, and use your cunning tactics to conquer the floor!

Catapult Feud

Choose your side...

Build your castle...

Building a castle using only regular bricks! (prototype shown)

Choose your weapon...

Fire at Will!!!

Catapult Feud
Catapult Feud
Content of core game box - Standard Edition
Photo Credit: BoardgameShot
Photo Credit: BoardgameShot
Imagination gone wild! :)
Core Game + Siege + Artificer's Tower + Volcano + Vikings + Game Mats

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